SCTV Channel
Guy Caballero, Count Floyd, Slade Cantrell, Sammy Maudlin, Floyd Robertson, President, Phillip Marks, Arthur Andrew-Leggett, Vic Hedges, Les Lonigan as Steve Bashekis, Jonathan Davie, Alan Alda, Fairy Godfather, Bernard Adler, Duard Weese, Mr Jones, Doctor, Worker, Art Garfunkel as Rooster, Mr. Grimley, Husband, Tony McKay, Tony Labergiole as Carmine, Moon Dog Ferguson, Ted Ferguson, Member of The Ramblers, William F Buckley, Vic Hedges as Vic Arpeggio, Announcer, alternate Guy Caballero - David, Policeman, Johnny's Father, Senor Wences' Hand Puppet, first caller, Captain Highliner, Hugh Marshall, Man from The Lottery, Edward G Robinson, Mitch Miller, Father Bing Crosby, Mother Crosby, Publisher, Jack Klugman, Guest Weathercaster, MC, Senor Wences, Captain O'Malley