Monty Python's Flying Circus
Various, Knight with Chicken, Various Roles, Animation Voices, Kevin Garibaldi, Pepperpot Son, Animated Opera Singer, Fourth Psychiatrist, Man Banging on Wall, Black Man, Aging General, Military Defense Counsel, Security Man, Store Assistant, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mr. Zyndersky, Dr. Hamer, Swiss Mountaineer, No-Time Toulouse Narrator, Second Technician, Miles Yellowbird, Mr. Henson, Man with Pile of Books, Messenger, Terry, Desk Clerk, Ginger, Third Lifeboatman, First Presenter, Gumby With Syringe, Fourth Booth, Balderston, Second Officer, First Guard, Morgan, A Man with a Stoat Through His Head, Che Guevara, Cherub, Overacting Hamlets, Magician, Animated Carnival Barker, Conrad Poohs (photograph), Killer Cars' and 'Killer Cats Narrator, Animated Archaeologists, Boxer, 'Eggs Diamond' Narrator, Spiny Norman, Viking, Eric, Nude Organist, Second German Officer, Animated Anatomical Man, Second Smith, Neddy, Teddy, Shoplifter, Animated Man, Animated Pair of Lips, Cardinal Fang, Fifth Gas Man, Second Policeman, Spiney Norman, Voiceover #2, Burglar, Animator, Mr. Phillips, Tex, Kirt, Animated Chippendale Writing Desk, Animated Compère, Various Animated Swallowed Animals, Encyclopedia Salesman, Carnival Barker, Kewpie Doll, Mr. Freight, Animated Pervert, Animated Emcee, Animated band, Knight With Chicken, Knight in Armour, Mona Lisa, Lon Chaney, PolicemenPig, Boar, Boticelli Lover, Medieval Couple, Family Group, Doctor, Bishop, Saint, Dancers, Naked Ladies, Cricket Team, Man Against Exposure, Compére, Fifth Writer, Viking with One Line, Animated Man who Wants to Show his Latest Operation, Wizzo Butter Announcer, Guard